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BlessedinMsTn |
one slavemaster to another.. they tell you when you can eat,, when you can go home,, when you must leave home,, when you can use your phone,, when you cannot... and oh yes you may go from one to another... in slavery days they were sold from one to another.....
yet I understand your point _________________
The Remnant are Returning. Foundations are being Restored. All Breaches are being Repaired. The Body of Christ is Rising! |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6126 4/17/08 2:06 pm

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Ichthus77 |
So how do polygamists obey this verse?
"Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."
(1 Corinthians 7:2)
She cannot have "her OWN husband" if she is sharing him with one or more women!!
Just as the man is not to share his wife with any other man, no woman is to share her husband with any other woman. |
Acts Enthusiast Posts: 1270 4/17/08 3:18 pm

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Ichtus |
BlessedinMsTn |
They obey it perfectly,, they do have their OWN wife... and another one and another one., ALL THEIR OWN
Remember, the context here.. Paul is preaching against FORNICCATION,, before marriage.. to AVOID fornication,, NOT ADULTERY,, GET MARRIED
He is saying nothing about POLYGAMY in this verse he is encouraging marriage for those who might commit fornication.... _________________
The Remnant are Returning. Foundations are being Restored. All Breaches are being Repaired. The Body of Christ is Rising! |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6126 4/17/08 3:59 pm

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Re: 149 views, 22 post and STILL waiting |
Poimen |
BlessedinMsTn wrote: | Still waiting for one once of scripture that CONDEMNS polygamy..... since we are so apt to condemn it,, surely we have some scripture for it
Doyles question remains "at large" and unanswered |
There are none so blind as those who will not see. _________________ Poimen
Bro. Christopher
Singing: "Let us then be true and faithful -- trusting, serving, everyday. Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay." |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 5657 4/17/08 4:27 pm
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Re: Poimen |
curly |
BlessedinMsTn wrote: | If a man putteth away his wife,, according to scripture "he causeth HER to commit adultery"
We are allowed to have only ONE HUSBAND, Jesus Christ
Yet, his ONE BRIDE is made of millions to whom he has married himself and yet those MILLIONS are only allowed HIM AS THEIR HUSBAND
One Buck, many does |
Since I am one buck, does that mean I can have many does?? nuck nuck nuck |
Acts Enthusiast Posts: 1754 4/17/08 5:56 pm

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Re: Ichtus |
Ichthus77 |
BlessedinMsTn wrote: | They obey it perfectly,, they do have their OWN wife... and another one and another one., ALL THEIR OWN
Remember, the context here.. Paul is preaching against FORNICCATION,, before marriage.. to AVOID fornication,, NOT ADULTERY,, GET MARRIED
He is saying nothing about POLYGAMY in this verse he is encouraging marriage for those who might commit fornication.... |
Yes, but how does EVERY WOMAN have her OWN husband? In polygamy her husband is not her own, but belongs to the group of wives. You forgot the 2nd part of the verse. |
Acts Enthusiast Posts: 1270 4/17/08 7:04 pm

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wahoo |
Now Blessed is comparing himself to God--since God is 1 with the Son and 1 with the Holy Spirit, that means Blessed could be 1 with as many wives as he would choose. |
Acts-celerater Posts: 557 4/17/08 7:21 pm
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Poimen |
Well done Ichthus77. Well done.  _________________ Poimen
Bro. Christopher
Singing: "Let us then be true and faithful -- trusting, serving, everyday. Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay."
Last edited by Poimen on 4/17/08 7:33 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 5657 4/17/08 7:28 pm
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Re: Poimen |
Poimen |
BlessedinMsTn wrote: | That was ISrael,, not the Bride |
Israel IS the wife or bride of God, the Father.
I said...
Quote: |
If you want to compare it to animals, God compares His wife to a dove. Dove's normally mate for life. One male dove, one female dove. |
_________________ Poimen
Bro. Christopher
Singing: "Let us then be true and faithful -- trusting, serving, everyday. Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay." |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 5657 4/17/08 7:29 pm
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As I pointed out in a different thread |
Wimauma |
It isn't a matter of morality. It's a matter of authority.
Titus 3
Doing What is Good
1 Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, 2 to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.
Romans 13
Submission to the Authorities
1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4 For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. _________________ I used to be sweet tea and boiled peanuts. Now I'm not. |
Acts-celerater Posts: 771 4/17/08 9:08 pm

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Re: Poimen |
Old Time Country Preacher |
curly wrote: | Since I am one buck, does that mean I can have many does?? nuck nuck nuck |
Ummmmmmm, wonder what mrs curly has got to say bout ya question? |
Acts-pert Poster Posts: 15570 4/17/08 9:11 pm
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Wimauma |
BlessedinMsTn |
Tomorrow the law is passed
No more public mention of the name of Jesus
Will you be a "Law abiding Citizen" or a Criminal?
Chinese Missionaries are criminals in your book... they break the law everyday!!!!!
What say you? _________________
The Remnant are Returning. Foundations are being Restored. All Breaches are being Repaired. The Body of Christ is Rising! |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6126 4/17/08 10:01 pm

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Very Good Ichtus, very good |
BlessedinMsTn |
Im sorry maybe the numbers arnt addin up
If she has a husband... that is her OWN husband
Thats pretty simple! _________________
The Remnant are Returning. Foundations are being Restored. All Breaches are being Repaired. The Body of Christ is Rising! |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6126 4/17/08 10:02 pm

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Re: Very Good Ichtus, very good |
Poimen |
BlessedinMsTn wrote: | Im sorry maybe the numbers arnt addin up
If she has a husband... that is her OWN husband
Thats pretty simple! |
No he would be the collective husband of all the wives. None truly able to claim Him as their own. _________________ Poimen
Bro. Christopher
Singing: "Let us then be true and faithful -- trusting, serving, everyday. Just one glimpse of Him in glory will the toils of life repay." |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 5657 4/17/08 11:00 pm
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Re: Poimen |
curly |
Old Time Country Preacher wrote: | curly wrote: | Since I am one buck, does that mean I can have many does?? nuck nuck nuck |
Ummmmmmm, wonder what mrs curly has got to say bout ya question? |
I didn't ask her!! nuck nuck nuck |
Acts Enthusiast Posts: 1754 4/17/08 11:39 pm

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I agree |
Wimauma |
However, we must be ready to accept the consequences of our actions. If these people truely believe what they are doing is right, they should be willing to suffer for it. Didn't many of the disciples and others in both the Old and New Testament pay dearly for what they believed in?
Plus, some things are worth dying for, others are societal traditions that while not excluded, aren't directed.
I say this because in this and other posts you vehemently state that the government should leave these people alone. That's not scriptural either. _________________ I used to be sweet tea and boiled peanuts. Now I'm not. |
Acts-celerater Posts: 771 4/18/08 5:15 am

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Re: Very Good Ichtus, very good |
Ichthus77 |
BlessedinMsTn wrote: | Im sorry maybe the numbers arnt addin up
If she has a husband... that is her OWN husband
Thats pretty simple! |
Yeah right, and a company car is the same as your OWN car.
Group property is never your private property. If your wife starts sleeping with another man and moves in with him on certain weekends is she still your own then or would you admit that just might be sharing her with another and she would no longer be exclusively your own? Your conclusions hold no water man. |
Acts Enthusiast Posts: 1270 4/18/08 9:19 am

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Ichtus |
BlessedinMsTn |
So,, if I sleep with another woman
My wife is no longer my OWN WIFE?
Actually when my company made me my job offer they offered my "my OWN company car"
Thus it is indeed my OWN _________________
The Remnant are Returning. Foundations are being Restored. All Breaches are being Repaired. The Body of Christ is Rising! |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6126 4/18/08 9:23 am

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297 Views and 39 post and STILL |
BlessedinMsTn |
still we wait for ONE SCRIPTURE that CONDEMNS polygamy
We have 32 that support it... and to date not ONE that condemns it, unequivocally! _________________
The Remnant are Returning. Foundations are being Restored. All Breaches are being Repaired. The Body of Christ is Rising! |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6126 4/18/08 10:00 am

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Re: Ichtus |
Ichthus77 |
BlessedinMsTn wrote: | So,, if I sleep with another woman
My wife is no longer my OWN WIFE?
Actually when my company made me my job offer they offered my "my OWN company car"
Thus it is indeed my OWN |
If your wife has another husband is she still your own wife?
If you marry another woman you would no longer be HER OWN husband.
Nice try, but the way you say it is not the same thing. Something stops being your own when you have to divide it or share it.
A woman can say Biblically to a polygamist man "I'm not marrying you! You are already married. You already have a wife(s). I want my OWN husband just like the Bible orders and I'm not sharing him.
The company car is not your own. You can only use it. You don't own the title. You can neither sell it nor give it away. If you are fired, it is not yours to keep. |
Acts Enthusiast Posts: 1270 4/18/08 11:01 am

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